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Infinite Country by Patricia Engel | Thoughts

   Published : 2021   ||    Format : print   ||    Location : Colombia ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆   What was it about the country that kept everyone hostage to its fantasy? The previous month, on its own soil, an American man went to his job at a plant and gunned down fourteen coworkers, and last spring alone there were four different school shootings. A nation at war with itself, yet people still spoke of it as some kind of paradise.. Thoughts : Infinite Country follows two characters - young Talia, who at the beginning of this book, escapes a girl’s reform school in North Colombia so that she can make her previously booked flight to the US. Before she can do that, she needs to travel many miles to reach her father and get her ticket to the rest of her family. As we follow Talia’s treacherous journey south, we learn about how she ended up in the reform school in the first place and why half her family resides in the US. Infinite Country tells the...

It's Monday! What are you reading? -- May 31, 2010

It's Monday! What are you reading this week?
This is a weekly event initially hosted by J. Kaye at J. Kaye's Book Blog, now by Sheila @ One Persons Journey through a world of Books, to celebrate what you are reading for the week as well as books completed the previous week.

Books completed last week
Did anyone read anything this week, what with the BEA and the Armchair BEA? I didn't - a real bummer, since by mid-month, I read 8 books, then got into a rut and didn't read much. So I guess, my advice to self is to read at my normal pace. Ugh!

Books reviewed
None. Instead, check out my armchair BEA posts, if you haven't yet:
- Rise of the online book club member
- The Blogger and the Microblogger
- Books from far, far away
- How to keep an active buzzing blog

I am currently reading

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See: I am halfway through, and I can't gush enough about the narrator. Really love it!
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling: Zero progress, still somewhere halfway through!
The Lion's Game by Nelson DeMille: I read just a few chapters of this book this week. Since it's such a huge book, it's taking me some time to get through it.
One Amazing Thing by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni: This is quite an enjoyable read, but I left it at some point and need to get back to it.
Summer at Tiffany by Marjorie Hart: Amazing book so far! Set in 1945, with two girls as ambitious and daring as any girl today - there is a certain feel-good sentiment about it!


The only reason I accomplished any reading was because of the plane rides! :)

Have fun with Harry - I am on book 3 in audio and loving it!
Hi Aths, Thank you so much for a wonderful week of posts for the Armchair BEA--they almost made me feel like I was there!

I look forward to your review of SUMMER AT TIFFANY as it is one I have on my TBR list.

I just started reading an ARC of The Blind Contessa's New Machine by Carey Wallace and it is starting out pretty good. I love being one of the first to read new books, don't you?

Anonymous said…
I better start reading those Armchair BEA posts - they sound very interesting!

Here's my Monday post:
Jan von Harz said…
Loved your post on How to Keep an Active Buzzing Blog. Some great ideas and advice. Hope you have a great week.
Lydia said…
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan is gorgeous! Wow, what a cover!

Here is my Monday!
I must be one of the few people that's never read a Harry Potter book! I've seen one or two of the films, but I've not even picked up one of the books... I don't know why.
Summer at Tiffany looks enchanting! Happy reading!

Here's my Monday:
One Amazing Thing is on my list as well so I look forward to seeing what you think of it. I missed the post on Saturday and now it's a 3-day weekend. I will get Black Water Rising to you, I promise!
Looking forward to reading your articles.

Have a great week!!
Kristen said…
I have the latter two books on my stacks to get to someday. As for not reading, I don't really have much of an excuse as I really didn't post anything either. I'm chalking it up to the end of the school year crazies!
I loved this Harry Potter bok! It is THE best!

Mondays: Mailbox/Whereabouts
Christina T said…
I liked One Amazing Thing and loved Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. I keep meaning to try Lisa See's other books but haven't gotten around to it yet.

Have a great week!
E.J. Stevens said…
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan looks incredible!

My What are you reading? is here.

Happy Monday. :)

From the Shadows
I have an award for you at
Unknown said…
I've never actually read any of the Harry Potter books, but they are on my list for sometime this year. I'm like a decade behind the curve ;)

Have a great week! Mine is:
Kathy Martin said…
It was a slow reading week for me too and I wasn't at BEA or taking part in Armchair BEA. Just working. Hopefully this week will be better for both of us. Happy reading!
Gwen said…
DeMille's books always seem daunting but quickly get to the point that you can't put them down. That one is on my wish list.
Wow, you've got many books on the go right now! I'll be looking out for some reviews.
Joy Renee said…
I read Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni's Sister of my Heart a few years back and remember enjoying it. Just checked my library catalog and found One Amazing Thing as well as several more by here. Am intrigued by the catalog entry listing one of the subjects of OAT as storytelling. That makes it a must read for me.

my Monday reading roundup.