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Infinite Country by Patricia Engel | Thoughts

   Published : 2021   ||    Format : print   ||    Location : Colombia ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆   What was it about the country that kept everyone hostage to its fantasy? The previous month, on its own soil, an American man went to his job at a plant and gunned down fourteen coworkers, and last spring alone there were four different school shootings. A nation at war with itself, yet people still spoke of it as some kind of paradise.. Thoughts : Infinite Country follows two characters - young Talia, who at the beginning of this book, escapes a girl’s reform school in North Colombia so that she can make her previously booked flight to the US. Before she can do that, she needs to travel many miles to reach her father and get her ticket to the rest of her family. As we follow Talia’s treacherous journey south, we learn about how she ended up in the reform school in the first place and why half her family resides in the US. Infinite Country tells the...

In which I stare at the stack of books on my nightstand

Okay, I don't technically have a nightstand, so I'll call it my virtual nightstand, where I keep my half-read books. I can sometimes have as many as 6-7 books over there. Plus, if you count the book I am reading on my nook and the audio book I am listening to, well, it comes close to 10. Not a nice number, since I haven't gone back to some of those books in weeks.

It's already mid-June, and I have only completed 2 books so far. I haven't been able to do much reading - first I got into a rut, next I went back to the same books I was reading during the rut (bad decision), then I had to work a lot one week so that I could get a draft of my thesis ready for my Professor, and finally the DC trip left me no time to read one wink!

So although I want to get back to reading more, all those books staring at me, including the ARCs, are freaking me out. I feel a procrastination coming along, so I decided to do this post about the books that I want to finish by Monday, hoping that this helps me get going faster.

My Name is Memory by Ann Brashares: I had intentioned to read this book a full month ago, but certain things came up (read above), which delayed it. So instead, here I am reading it now instead. I am actually half my way into this book. I was initially reminded a lot about The Time Traveler's Wife as I read this book, but now it has managed to shake off any similarities. I enjoyed the first part of this book tremendously, but I feel it dragging a bit now. It could be because of the slow pace at which I am reading, but nevertheless, it is going slightly slow and I hope, really hope to finish it today.

Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld: Kai @ Fiction State of Mind and myself are planning to read this book together starting Friday evening. If you wish to join, just leave a comment. We also plan to tweet as we read, so if you are interested, follow us @rainydayreading and @YogiKai. This is one of those books I am expecting to love. At the moment, I am trying to tone down my expectations so that I don't expect too much and miss out on the good aspects of the book.

Saving Max by Antoinette van Heugten: I am on the verge of giving up on this book. I will give it another 15-25 pages, and if it still puts me to sleep, it's time for goodbye. I hate giving up on books. I usually never do, unless I find it so boring that I keep putting off reading that book. But I've come to realize that my time is precious, and if I really want to have a great reading list, I better stop feeling bad about reading those that don't appeal to me. It's sad about this book, because it actually has a lot of potential. It is about a boy with Asperger's Syndrome, one topic that has always held my interest. The way it is written however distracts me.

Based upon Availability by Alix Strauss: I have to post my review next week, so I am quite eager to read this one. It has a very interesting idea: about eight women who pass through Manhattan's Four Seasons hotel. And these women have widely different personae. Being a big fan of women-centered books, (No offense to my male readers, I just happen to be more curious about the workings of a female mind than a male one :o) ) I am very keen to see how the author weaves in 8 different personalities into one book. Now that should be a treat. I have deliberately stayed off reviews of this book, so I have absolutely no idea about what to expect.

So there's my reading list for the rest of this week. I'm hoping to get through all of them, so we'll see on Monday how successful I've been.


Here's to breaking the 'rut phase'!!! I know what you mean about not enough time for boring books, I dread the time when I hit a book on 'the list' that I will want to throw across the room (I know it will come).

I look forward to reading reviews of all these books on Monday (how's that for positive thinking?)

Don't pressure yourself to finish all those books in the next few days! That's quite a list. I am interested to see what you think of Levithan in particular
Martina Boone said…
You've made me feel much better because my pile is growing daily. I had a friend send me two books yesterday. I've got two on deck from my blogging partner Martina, and I retrieved three from the library yesterday that were on hold for me. Sigh. I guess it's better than many other habits! Good luck with your pile!

Marissa :)
Athira said…
Roseann, thanks for that 'motivation'!! LOL! I am definitely aiming to complete these by Monday, I have decided I don't need to be too distracted by things online. Hope I can stick to it!

Helen, do you think I overdid it? When I look at the list with the sanity of an early morning mind, I am asking myself.. what the heck was I thinking? .. Uh .. maybe I will be able to do it.. hopefully!

Marissa, We bibliophiles can hardly control our book-acquiring habits eh? Sigh .. I guess it's nice to have an obsession, albeit uncontrollable one.
Tales of Whimsy said…
Book pressure! Sounds like you need a guilty pleasure to alleviate some pressure :)
I am looking forward to reading My Name is Memory (probably next week)! I get what you say about the virtual TBR shelf piling up--mine is intimidating. Congrats on breaking the rut--sometimes it takes a step away to appreciate a hobby more :)
Ash said…
All Summer I have said I'm going to read this much of a book by the end of the week, but then Wednesday and Thursday come and I'm always really busy those two days for some reason, so I get behind. And then that makes me feel like I'm in a rut. ARGH! I've been crafting a lot on those days as well, so I'm kind of choosing one hobby over another.
Good luck! You can doooo it. I sometimes look at my stacks of books too and think, "what did I get myself into?!" lol.
Athira said…
Juju, that was a mouthful! LOL! Loved it!

Felicia, TBR piles are intimidating, aren't they?? I need to do something about that!

Ash, that's pretty much what happens to me as well. I plan for a week, then get annoyed when I can't get much reading done. I should not plan now, and see how it goes. I won't feel pressured at the least.

Steph, LOL! I think that often. But I'm sure I would never give this up for anything. It has been a wonderful journey!
Lisa said…
Well,thank you--now I don't feel as bad about the number of books I have sitting partially read! I keep starting a book and then it's time for a book for a review. I'm so hoping to get caught up over the summer!
bermudaonion said…
I have a real nightstand and can get stacks that high as well. All of your books look great!
Michelle said…
I have been so horrible with reading lately, too! I finished one book this week, and it was a book I've been working on for nearly a month!

I've actually gotten a lot better lately about giving up on books. If it doesn't grab me by around the 150-page mark, it's going to be donated or traded in at the used book store.

Good luck!
I'd just picked up My Name is Memory from the library - hopefully it's not a slow book! I don't know when I'd read it yet as I have so many books waiting... sigh...

I have a night stand, but I usually leave the books on the floor :)
Athira said…
Lisa, that's my situation too! I've been feeling so bad about all that half-read books! Esp because none of them are review books but books I pick otherwise. Big Bummer!

Kathy, LOL, it would be funny and interesting to put my current reads on a real nightstand and see how they stack up!

Michelle, that's a good idea, Michelle! I am making myself do the same too, slowly. It really makes no sense to read something my mind isn't in fully.

Christa, LOL-ing @ leaving books on the floor! My Name is Memory is pretty good! I hope you enjoy it!