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Infinite Country by Patricia Engel | Thoughts

   Published : 2021   ||    Format : print   ||    Location : Colombia ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆   What was it about the country that kept everyone hostage to its fantasy? The previous month, on its own soil, an American man went to his job at a plant and gunned down fourteen coworkers, and last spring alone there were four different school shootings. A nation at war with itself, yet people still spoke of it as some kind of paradise.. Thoughts : Infinite Country follows two characters - young Talia, who at the beginning of this book, escapes a girl’s reform school in North Colombia so that she can make her previously booked flight to the US. Before she can do that, she needs to travel many miles to reach her father and get her ticket to the rest of her family. As we follow Talia’s treacherous journey south, we learn about how she ended up in the reform school in the first place and why half her family resides in the US. Infinite Country tells the...

Look at what just arrived! - July 19, 2010

mailboxmonday This meme is hosted by Marcia @ The Printed Page. It is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week (checked out library books don’t count, eBooks & audio books do).

I guess I had a good week in books, considering what I received. After seeing The Map of True Places by Brunonia Barry almost everywhere, I was so glad to have won this on twitter thanks to Brain Candy BR. I also have Brunonia Barry's The Lace Reader, but didn't get to it yet. So that's two books by the same author. Need I any more motivation to pick one up?

I won Zeitoun by Dave Eggers at Nancy's 2010: A Year of Books. I have read many good reviews of this book and am now very curious about the protagonist - every one of the previews or reviews stops at how he disappears and then comes the question - Will he come back? Alright people - you have me curious. I want to know what happens now. Usually I don't like fiction that are based on some real tragedy, be it the 9/11 or Katrina or the tsunami. I almost hear the words "exploitation" and "money" and "advantage" churning in my head. So I hope that none of that steps into my head when I pick this one up, since I really am interested.

I won this galley at a giveaway I signed up for two months ago and forgot about. I didn't even read Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick, nor did I have plans to, so I'm not sure why I requested this galley. Still, I'll make an attempt to read both books, and if I fail, I'll put up a giveaway. I'm sure there will be takers for Crescendo. I thought Hush, Hush was less than 200 pages - I could have sworn about reading it somewhere. But apparently it is almost 400 pages, as is this one.

I received this one from Random House via TLCBookTours. Finny by Justin Kramon has a really delightful synopsis about a young girl's foray into adulthood. Also, I don't remember reading a book with banana peel-yellow cover, so I'm attracted to that too.

Over lunch on Saturday with three other bloggers, Kathy brought three books to the "party" for us to choose from, and boy, did we have fun! So this is what I chose, A Fierce Radiance by Lauren Belfer - the moment I read World War 2 somewhere in the synopsis, I knew the one I'll pick up. Plus that cover - doesn't it make you think of one of those classy movies with hatted ladies and well-dressed gentlemen?

Have you read any of these books?


Mystica said…
The Lace Reader was a "different" type of read but I havent read this one by Barry.
Cathy said…
I read and enjoyed The Lace Reader, but I haven't gotten a copy of her latest yet. The two books you received that do put a gleam in my eye are A Fierce Radiance and Zeitoun. Happy reading!
Kaye said…
Map of True Places was better than the Lace Reader, imho anyway. I hope you enjoy your new reads. My mailbox is here Have a wonderful week and happy reading!
bermudaonion said…
You did have a great week in books! I hope you enjoy them all!
I am kind of envious!


Here is mine!
Look at you! The Map of True Places and Crescendo are quite the popular books right now!
Anonymous said…
Nice mailbox list. I haven't read any of them but I've read some good reviews for them. I hope you enjoy them all.
Anonymous said…
Yay for you!!! You got to snag Finny!! I have been dying to read that book since i first got wind of it. I hope you enjoy it. Lots of wins last week too, congratulations. I hope you enjoy all of your books. Happy Reading!!!
Alayne said…
Fabulous mailbox! The Brunonia Barry looks good. My mailbox is at The Crowded Leaf.
I didn't finish The Lace Reader. It just wasn't a book for me. Maybe I need to give it another try. I hope you enjoy it and all your other books.
I've been wanting The Map of True Places...enjoy! The Dave Eggers should be good, too.

Here's my MM:
DCMetroreader said…
I didn't realize that David Eggers had a new book out. Hope it is as great as his last book!

Happy reading!
Lisa said…
The Map one has a GEORGOUS cover! Nice mailbox today!
Valerie said…
"Zeitoun" isn't fiction -- it's a true story and he's a real person. I found it to be very good. Hope you like it!

I still have "A Lace Reader" by Brunonina Barry in my TBR -- I should read that one before reading her new one!

Happy reading!
Lisa said…
Your mailbox is like mine--they're coming in faster than I can possibly read them. But I still love getting them!