Published : 2021 || Format : print || Location : Colombia ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ What was it about the country that kept everyone hostage to its fantasy? The previous month, on its own soil, an American man went to his job at a plant and gunned down fourteen coworkers, and last spring alone there were four different school shootings. A nation at war with itself, yet people still spoke of it as some kind of paradise.. Thoughts : Infinite Country follows two characters - young Talia, who at the beginning of this book, escapes a girl’s reform school in North Colombia so that she can make her previously booked flight to the US. Before she can do that, she needs to travel many miles to reach her father and get her ticket to the rest of her family. As we follow Talia’s treacherous journey south, we learn about how she ended up in the reform school in the first place and why half her family resides in the US. Infinite Country tells the...

So after a two-week break, I'm back for good. I am still not caught up on my Reader, but are we ever? I have comments to approve, comments to reply to, and posts to plan and write. But if I decide to sit back and plan, it will be forever before I get back. I've never been great at that. So I'll let my blog take me on my journey, as always!
You would think that after two weeks, I should have an essay list of books to share with you. If only! But nay! No such luck! Since I don't have a new find to talk about, I took the liberty of looking into my virtual TBR list on Goodreads and let myself be surprised all over again by a book I had long forgotten. It was so much fun rediscovering books!
You would think that after two weeks, I should have an essay list of books to share with you. If only! But nay! No such luck! Since I don't have a new find to talk about, I took the liberty of looking into my virtual TBR list on Goodreads and let myself be surprised all over again by a book I had long forgotten. It was so much fun rediscovering books!

I've always found the title and the cover of this book creepy, and I think the book The Birthing House by Christopher Ransom is to blame for that.
While the latter is horror fiction, The Birth House is about midwives and the birthing process, and yep, it's fiction.
The Birth House is the story of Dora Rare, the first daughter to be born in five generations of the Rare family. As a child in an isolated village in Nova Scotia, she is drawn to Miss Babineau, an outspoken Acadian midwife with a gift for healing and a kitchen filled with herbs and folk remedies. During the turbulent years of World War I, Dora becomes the midwife's apprentice. Together, they help the women of Scots Bay through infertility, difficult labors, breech births, unwanted pregnancies and even unfulfilling sex lives. But when Gilbert Thomas, a brash medical doctor, comes to Scots Bay with promises of fast, painless childbirth, some of the women begin to question Miss Babineau's methods - and after Miss Babineau's death, Dora is left to carry on alone. In the face of fierce opposition, she must summon all of her strength to protect the birthing traditions and wisdom that have been passed down to her.
Someone Knows my Name by Lawrence Hill
This book was published as The Book of Negros in Canada, the author's home country. If you are curious about the reason behind the name change, the author Lawrence Hill has written an article about it (Quite an eye-opener for me, but this is not the place to discuss that). On to the book - I love books or movies that ooze with historical details. I think they have a new name for it - semi-fiction, but I find that very belittling to both fiction and nonfiction, as if one cannot be realistic or the other cannot be liberal. Anyways, this book talks about The Book of Negros, a real document that listed the African Americans who fought for the British in the American revolution.
Abducted from Africa as a child and enslaved in South Carolina, Aminata Diallo thinks only of freedom—and of the knowledge she needs to get home. Sold to an indigo trader who recognizes her intelligence, Aminata is torn from her husband and child and thrown into the chaos of the Revolutionary War. In Manhattan, Aminata helps pen the Book of Negroes, a list of blacks rewarded for service to the king with safe passage to Nova Scotia. There Aminata finds a life of hardship and stinging prejudice. When the British abolitionists come looking for "adventurers" to create a new colony in Sierra Leone, Aminata assists in moving 1,200 Nova Scotians to Africa and aiding the abolitionist cause by revealing the realities of slavery to the British public. This captivating story of one woman's remarkable experience spans six decades and three continents and brings to life a crucial chapter in world history.

Coffee-lovers will especially dig this cover! I confess I added this book to my list for that reason mainly. Just looking at it is making me eager to have a cup of coffee right now! Can we really tell lots about a person from his or her coffee drink? Now that's an interesting theory. I used to be a big fan of flavored coffee, but now I can't stand that much - I like to go for the original uncorrupted beans. Wonder what that says of me?
Seventeen-year-old barista Jane Turner has this theory that you can tell a lot about a person by their regular coffee drink. She scribbles it all down in a notebook and calls it Espressology. So it’s not a totally crazy idea when Jane starts hooking up some of her friends based on their coffee orders. Like her best friend, Em, a medium hot chocolate, and Cam, a toffee nut latte. But when her boss, Derek, gets wind of Jane’s Espressology, he makes it an in-store holiday promotion, promising customers their perfect matches for the price of their favorite coffee. Things are going better than Derek could ever have hoped, so why is Jane so freaked out? Does it have anything to do with Em dating Cam? She’s the one who set them up! She should be happy for them, right?

Wonderful finds! Happy reading!
Here is my Friday Find post!