This meme was originally hosted by Marcia @ The Printed Page. It went on tour beginning August '10 and is hosted this month by Bermudaonion's Weblog. It is the gathering
place for readers to share the books
that came into their house last week (checked out library books don’t
count, eBooks & audio books do).

It's been more than a month since I did this, so there are a few books to mention. Not too many though - with my move and new job, I've been keeping low key. First, let's get the most obvious one out of the way. Along with almost everyone else, I received the most-awaited book of this year -
Mockingjay by
Suzanne Collins. Of course, I finished it too, and I acutely felt like I was missing someone right after turning the last page. The end of the Harry Potter series did the same thing, and now the Hunger Games series. It's very rarely that I intensely await a book, so sigh, I'll just wait for the next such series, shall I?

The next three books were sent by Pam of
Bookalicious, as part of the
Armchair BEA event in May. One of them was
Jantsen's Gift by
Pam Cope. It was
Lynne's review that first made me want to read this one. This moving book is about how Pam coped with the death of her 15-year-old son, by traveling to Vietnam, adopting two kids and creating a foundation (Touch a Life) to help children in countries like Vietnam, Cambodia and Ghana.

I had received
Becca Fitzpatrick's
Crescendo couple of months back, and had been wondering how to get my hands on the first book of this series -
Hush, Hush. I was pleasantly surprised to see this book in the mail, as I didn't realize that I had won this one too. I didn't exactly want to buy it because I'm not sure if this series is for me. I'm not too into paranormal books, so if this book doesn't click for me, I'll mostly be holding a giveaway of this series. Better to find these books a new home than leave them "unwanted" in their present home. I'll think about this for a while, look through the books and decide.
Secret Keeper by
Mitali Perkins is way high up on my wishlist, and I'm really thrilled to actually hold it in my hands. I've heard so much about this book and Mitali's new one -
Bamboo People. Each time I pass by my shelf, I yearn to pick it up and read it, but with all the "urgent" books piled near me, it will be a while.
Have you read
any of these books?
Its a super quick read.
I haven't been able to bring my self to start Mockingjay. I think I'm afraid of letting go of the series.