Published : 2021 || Format : print || Location : Colombia ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ What was it about the country that kept everyone hostage to its fantasy? The previous month, on its own soil, an American man went to his job at a plant and gunned down fourteen coworkers, and last spring alone there were four different school shootings. A nation at war with itself, yet people still spoke of it as some kind of paradise.. Thoughts : Infinite Country follows two characters - young Talia, who at the beginning of this book, escapes a girl’s reform school in North Colombia so that she can make her previously booked flight to the US. Before she can do that, she needs to travel many miles to reach her father and get her ticket to the rest of her family. As we follow Talia’s treacherous journey south, we learn about how she ended up in the reform school in the first place and why half her family resides in the US. Infinite Country tells the story of her family through the other protagonist, El
It's either the blogging mojo that goes MIA or the reading mojo. One of them is always hiccuping or tripping all over the place. With the end of August almost here, I was also thinking that another year will end soon. This is the depressing phase of any year - when you start going on those unavoidable introspective trips down memory lane, reevaluate things, start some last-minute refocusing attempts, and also start thinking about what you want the next year to be about. Or am I running too fast here?
But, no, I haven't been thinking about anything much than how to get more reading/blogging time per day. Some of you may remember that I've been doing summer hours for the past two months - I've been working 10 hours Mon-Thu and then I get Fri-Sun off. I love that Friday off, there's really nothing more wonderful than sleeping in on Fridays! But then that means I get very little time to read/blog/visit blogs on the weekdays. Much as I'm going to miss those free Fridays, I think it works better for my schedule to be able to spread my work and fun, than to consolidate them on specific days. With my current schedule, I don't get the luxury of being "in the know" at all times, and then doing it all in the weekends can suck too. So two more weeks, and it's goodbye to the fun Fridays.
A while ago, I remember reading on Rebecca's blog about how she typically juggles between one fiction, one nonfiction, and one graphic novel at a time. I have to admit that I liked that idea - but I'm not so disciplined in my reading to stick to any kind of rules either. What I did see over the past few months is a kind of pattern emerging on its own - I typically have one graphic novel going with one serious/deep/slow/heavy read and one fast-paced/light/quick read. And I typically pick the graphic novel in the middle of a workweek and the fast read by the end of the work week. The slow read usually goes into the weekend. I hadn't really noticed that before, but it was nice to spot a trend, since maybe I can work my reading around that, and get that reading mojo back in its stride!
In other news, I just learned today morning that I have been nominated for the Best Literary Fiction Book Blog for the BBAW 2011. I feel honored to be in the longlist and would like to thank the person(s) who nominated me! Thanks so much!
But, no, I haven't been thinking about anything much than how to get more reading/blogging time per day. Some of you may remember that I've been doing summer hours for the past two months - I've been working 10 hours Mon-Thu and then I get Fri-Sun off. I love that Friday off, there's really nothing more wonderful than sleeping in on Fridays! But then that means I get very little time to read/blog/visit blogs on the weekdays. Much as I'm going to miss those free Fridays, I think it works better for my schedule to be able to spread my work and fun, than to consolidate them on specific days. With my current schedule, I don't get the luxury of being "in the know" at all times, and then doing it all in the weekends can suck too. So two more weeks, and it's goodbye to the fun Fridays.
A while ago, I remember reading on Rebecca's blog about how she typically juggles between one fiction, one nonfiction, and one graphic novel at a time. I have to admit that I liked that idea - but I'm not so disciplined in my reading to stick to any kind of rules either. What I did see over the past few months is a kind of pattern emerging on its own - I typically have one graphic novel going with one serious/deep/slow/heavy read and one fast-paced/light/quick read. And I typically pick the graphic novel in the middle of a workweek and the fast read by the end of the work week. The slow read usually goes into the weekend. I hadn't really noticed that before, but it was nice to spot a trend, since maybe I can work my reading around that, and get that reading mojo back in its stride!
In other news, I just learned today morning that I have been nominated for the Best Literary Fiction Book Blog for the BBAW 2011. I feel honored to be in the longlist and would like to thank the person(s) who nominated me! Thanks so much!
I have come to the realization that I have a tough time reading more than one book at a time. Actually, I can do it if I leave one book at work and one at home, but if I get really into the book I can't just leave it somewhere for later!
Lately, I can't do more than one book at a time too, because it takes me a while to get through each book and mixing books will make sure I take even longer.
I know what you mean - it's just hard switching off the internet and getting to reading.
I've been reading one non-fiction book at bed-time, listening to an audiobook in the car, and reading whatever else I want to at all other times. I just started that this year and it's been working well for me. The audio and non-fiction can take a while for me to get through, but I'm still getting through my "fun" books at a good pace.
I find it hard to commit book polygamy because one book always gets more attention than the others, but I can manage to have one going in print and one going in audio. I would love to be the kind of reader who could have 2 or 3 books going at once, but sadly, I am not that talented!
I also know what you mean about having to limit your time blogging and reading. A few years ago, I was in the same situation, and had to limit my bloggy visits to Wednesdays, when I would catch up. It got overwhelming pretty quickly. I hope that you find the time to do all that you want and need to do soon.
I've been thinking about the end of the year myself, but for me... I tend to think about future stuff so I look forward to it.
Congrats on your nomination :)