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Infinite Country by Patricia Engel | Thoughts

   Published : 2021   ||    Format : print   ||    Location : Colombia ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆   What was it about the country that kept everyone hostage to its fantasy? The previous month, on its own soil, an American man went to his job at a plant and gunned down fourteen coworkers, and last spring alone there were four different school shootings. A nation at war with itself, yet people still spoke of it as some kind of paradise.. Thoughts : Infinite Country follows two characters - young Talia, who at the beginning of this book, escapes a girl’s reform school in North Colombia so that she can make her previously booked flight to the US. Before she can do that, she needs to travel many miles to reach her father and get her ticket to the rest of her family. As we follow Talia’s treacherous journey south, we learn about how she ended up in the reform school in the first place and why half her family resides in the US. Infinite Country tells the...

Yet another Monday! (Oct 31, 2011)

It's Monday! What are you reading this week?

Sheila @ One Persons Journey through a world of Books wants to know what we're reading. I'm only too happy to oblige!

Because of the unexpected weekend at home that I had, I've finally managed to finish another Blogger Recommends read and am excited about my next choice.

Books finished since the last update
-  The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks (The creep factor of this book will make it qualify for Halloween even though it isn't truly horror)
-  Green River Killer by Jonathan Case (A really well-done graphic nonfiction!)

News from over my blog

Reviews up!
-   A Thousand Lives by Julia Scheeres

Other posts
-  My harrowing start to this weekend

Books on my nightstand
I have one book going now, but I haven't yet decided what I am going to read next. I was tempted to look at my stack right now, but I'll let myself be surprised. The less time I have to think about my next book, the better.

Repeat It Today With Tears by Anne Peile: I am almost done with this book and found it pretty fascinating, albeit disturbing to read about a girl who conceals her identity and begins an illicit affair with her absent father.


I added Repeat it Today with Tears from your last post so am very excited to see your review. Also looking forward to Wasp Factory.
Angie S said…
Repeat it Today with Tears sounds like an incredible but shocking story!
Niina C said…
Wow,  Repeat it... does sound creepy.

Come see my Monday! Have a great week!
Leeswammes said…
I just can't bring myself to read The Wasp Factory. Sounds too creepy. Have a good week!
Karen Sime said…
I am sorely tempted to give The Wasp Factory another go. The Anne Peile book sounds quite disturbing!
I'm surprised you were able to read after the weekend you had.  I hope you have a wonderful week in books!
Helen Murdoch said…
I put the Wasp Factor back on the shelves, it may be too creepy for me. But, I look forward to your review then I'll make a final decision
Sheila (Book Journey) said…
I have to check out A Thousand Lives... seems like I have been wanting to read that one.
Juju at Tales of said…
Happy week doll :) 
Repeat It sounds interesting in a creepy sort of way.

zibilee said…
Oh, I am also looking forward to Repeat It Today with Tears, and think it sounds very disturbing and interesting. I am like you in that I don't like to think a lot about the books I am going to read before I read them. Great minds think alike, I guess! Happy Halloween!
Pussreboots said…
I had a very slow week of reading. Please come see what I did finish.
I'm really fascinated with the tale of the Green River Killer, I hope it's a great graphic novel!
Ragoblogger said…
Enjoy your reading week
You have been reading some really interesting reads. Have a great week.
I hope you are recovering well after your accident - its a disturbing thing to shake off. I hope you can relax iwth a great book this week

Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out
Athira / Aths said…
I'm hoping to put my review of Wasp Factory early next week. It's very literary but very creepy.
Athira / Aths said…
It is. I'm pretty astounded by the protagonist's actions.
Athira / Aths said…
Thanks! You have a great week too!
Athira / Aths said…
It was actually pretty intriguing. Creepy and weird yes, but I liked it.
Athira / Aths said…
The Anne Peile book is disturbing. I'm pretty shocked by the protagonist's desires. 
Athira / Aths said…
I think reading helped me get some focus over the weekend, or no saying, I might have bawled my head off out of shock.
Athira / Aths said…
I'm hoping to review it next week, hopefully. It was creepy, but not in the can't-go-to-sleep way. It just was. It was too literary for the creepiness to feel bothersome.
Athira / Aths said…
It was a good book! I hope you check it.
Athira / Aths said…
It is, isn't it? The book is good so far! 
Athira / Aths said…
I am with you there - great minds certainly think alike! :)
Athira / Aths said…
It is! It is really well-done. I highly recommend it.
Athira / Aths said…
Thanks! I hope you have a good week too!
Athira / Aths said…
I feel much better now, but I was a wreck over the weekend. Phew! Thank goodness for books and TV.
MedeiaSharif said…
Repeat it Today with Tears sounds fascinating.  Thanks for sharing it. 
I read the previous post.  I'm sorry about your accident.  Yikes, that's scary.
Athira / Aths said…
The book is fascinating! Can't wait to see where it goes.
Lenasledge said…
The book on your nightstand sounds interesting and very disturbing. Can't wait to read that review. 
Athira / Aths said…
It was fabulous! I can't wait to review it!