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Infinite Country by Patricia Engel | Thoughts

   Published : 2021   ||    Format : print   ||    Location : Colombia ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆   What was it about the country that kept everyone hostage to its fantasy? The previous month, on its own soil, an American man went to his job at a plant and gunned down fourteen coworkers, and last spring alone there were four different school shootings. A nation at war with itself, yet people still spoke of it as some kind of paradise.. Thoughts : Infinite Country follows two characters - young Talia, who at the beginning of this book, escapes a girl’s reform school in North Colombia so that she can make her previously booked flight to the US. Before she can do that, she needs to travel many miles to reach her father and get her ticket to the rest of her family. As we follow Talia’s treacherous journey south, we learn about how she ended up in the reform school in the first place and why half her family resides in the US. Infinite Country tells the...

The Sunday Salon: Returning to work

The Sunday

Tomorrow, the husband and I return back to work. After almost 13 days of lazying around the house and relaxing in PJs whenever possible, it feels near disappointing to think of going back to work. Mind you, I love my job, but getting to stay at home and do whatever you want to sounds funner, right? It bugs me how most of the holidays come in the last two months of the year while the rest of the year has nothing major to make you want to squeal in delight. On the one hand, at least office-goers also get long holidays. On the other hand, once such a holiday is over, you have to wait 11 months for the next.

During the holidays, we watched a LOT of TV and movies. Off the top of my head, some of the movies we watched were The Hobbit, This is 40, Parental Guidance, Love Actually, Blackfish (must watch!), some horror movies, and many others I can't remember now. Right now, we are watching episodes of Haven on Netflix and quite enjoying them.

Five days into the new year and I've been reading some and knitting some. Couple of weeks back, I knitted a sleeve for my Kindle. I love how tiny the basic Kindle is - it fits very easily into my handbag. Last thing I wanted was to get a chunky sleeve or case to wrap around it. The whole point of a tiny ereader vanishes at that point. So I figured I could knit a sleeve for it, keeping it snug and also retaining its size, for the most part. Here are a couple of shots of the kindle sleeve.

Yesterday, I started reading Gail Tsukiyama's Night of Many Dreams. This is the first book I'm reading by this author and I guess the first Japanese-authored book that I'm reading in more than a year. So far, it's off to a good start.

How is your Sunday going?


pattismith said…
I'm glad to hear we aren't the only people who've stayed in our pjs most of the time during the holidays :P My husband goes back tomorrow as well, the youngest daughter on Tuesday, and I follow on Friday :( It's been nice, but I am ready for a little more structure. I've missed Haven! Just what I need, another show addiction :)
Jenny @ Reading the End said…
I loved having the long holiday, and part of me wanted it to last longer, but another part of me was ready to go back to work. Unstructured days get boring for me after a while! :p

Your knitted Kindle cover is fab! Well done you!
Ti Reed said…
Good luck tomorrow. I have one more week. I usually return at this time but my kids had an extra week off and I refuse to pay the ridiculous "winter break" daycare fees on top of my normal fees so I decided to take an extra week. I had too much vacation stored up anyway and now I am glad I did.

I know most people would schedule stuff in to make the most of it but I seriously just like to stay at home.

I love that Kindle sleeve. Love the colors especially.
bermudaonion(Kathy) said…
I was complaining about Thanksgiving and Christmas being so close together just yesterday. I didn't know you could knit so well!
bellezza said…
Oh, the going back to work is hard! I (used to) love my job, too, but after days of laying and reading and with an encroaching sore throat I don't know how I'll face tomorrow. Best of luck to both of us! Love love love your kindle sleeve! I just bought a kindle and it is indeed a perfect slimness one doesn't want to lose in transport. As to your Japanese read, hooray! Love to start the year with a good Japanese novel myself. xo
Diane D said…
I guess there are a lot of us who enjoyed being home in PJS a bit too much. I swear, I would never get bored staying home. Good luck back to work.

I LOVE the Kindle sleeve --very cool and so pretty too.
christa @ mental foodie said…
I am so jealous you had 13 days off!!! Work had been so so busy in the last month, that I couldn't really take more than one day off (in addition to 12/25 and 1/1) and then I ended up working a bit on new year day at home anyway :( Glad you had a great time home!
Delia (Postcards from Asia) said…
All hail the pajama holiday! I did the same, stayed home and watched
movies. The good thing about it is that I also finished two books. The
bad, way too much chocolate.
That's a cute sleeve for your Kindle, I love the colors.
What a nice and relaxing holiday you had! I also like my job, but it's great to be able to spend your days doing just what you want, isn't it.

I like the sleeve you made!
Vasilly said…
Nice sleeve! It's so colorful! Have a good week at work!
Athira / Aths said…
You should check out Haven. It's pretty addicting. I love it so far.

Yeah, the holidays have been good. It will be nice to go back to work and have some routine, though the holidays have been too good. Did I already say that?
Athira / Aths said…
Thank you!

I wish I could sleep at home some more. I don't think I have tired of the holidays yet. Sigh...
Athira / Aths said…
Thank you!

I love staying at home too. Sure, I couldn't do that forever - too boring, but it's awesome to have long breaks. That's the one thing I miss from my days as a student!
Athira / Aths said…
Thank you! I'm only a beginner knitter but I love it so much and could do it for a long time!
Athira / Aths said…
Thank you (about the sleeve). I love it too.

I am back at work and assimilating! Gulp. It is good to be back, but I miss the holidays already.
Athira / Aths said…
Thank you! I love it too.

Staying home in PJs was too good. I could do it for a longer break.
bellezza said…
I'm in bed with an extremely sore throat. Maybe it's just as bad as returning to work?! Be strong!
Athira / Aths said…
Oh, no! What a bummer! I wish more people had longer time-offs. I know I'm lucky to have a job that gives me such long breaks and it's probably selfish of me to moan that I want more. I hope you do get plenty of time off otherwise!
Athira / Aths said…
Thank you!

I wish I had finished more books, but nop, reading didn't factor in much. It was just knitting and TV.
Athira / Aths said…
Thank you!

I love free days when I don't have to work even though I like my job. There's something comforting about stay-at-home days.
Athira / Aths said…
Oh no! I hope you feel better soon! There's nothing worse than staying at home sick. I hope there's plenty of rest and books in your plans today!
Sam_TinyLibrary said…
I love your kindle sleeve, the colours are gorgeous.
And I hope your first day back at work was OK. I'm tired after my own first day back, I forgot how tiring a class full of seven year olds can be!
Helen Murdoch said…
That is so awesome that you knitted your Kindle a sleeve, very impressive!
iliana said…
I hope you had a great day back at work. Same for me, I had two weeks of being off and I wouldn't have minded an extra one. What can I say, too many hobbies :)

The sleeve you knitted came out great! I love that. Can't wait to hear what you think of the Tsukiyama book. I've read one by her and really enjoyed it. Been meaning to read more.
Athira / Aths said…
I guess I'm getting used to being back at work finally. With these winter mornings, it can be pretty hard to drag myself off to work.
Athira / Aths said…
Too many hobbies is right. I feel like I don't have enough time in the world to do all I want to do.
carol said…
I love the Kindle sleeve you knitted. I wish I was that talented.
Athira / Aths said…
It was an easy pattern. I just started knitting last month so I'm not that far along.