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Infinite Country by Patricia Engel | Thoughts

   Published : 2021   ||    Format : print   ||    Location : Colombia ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆   What was it about the country that kept everyone hostage to its fantasy? The previous month, on its own soil, an American man went to his job at a plant and gunned down fourteen coworkers, and last spring alone there were four different school shootings. A nation at war with itself, yet people still spoke of it as some kind of paradise.. Thoughts : Infinite Country follows two characters - young Talia, who at the beginning of this book, escapes a girl’s reform school in North Colombia so that she can make her previously booked flight to the US. Before she can do that, she needs to travel many miles to reach her father and get her ticket to the rest of her family. As we follow Talia’s treacherous journey south, we learn about how she ended up in the reform school in the first place and why half her family resides in the US. Infinite Country tells the...

A Surreal Week of Chaos and Shutdown | Weekly Snapshot

What a week this was! Ohio finally reported its first positive Covid-19 test earlier this week - after that it was just a matter of time. As of last night, there are now 26 cases, with four of them discovered about five miles from where I stay. All schools have been closed so my daughter is going to be having a three-week long (at least) Spring break. Plus, my office has suggested working from home until the situation changes. My husband hasn't gotten as direct an instruction but he needs to request to work from home and I'm hoping that sorts out.

Staying healthy

We have had more than our fair share of flu, cold, and cough over the winter. Anytime someone in our house is down with a typical seasonal illness, it basically means about 5 weeks for the illness to pass through our house, as one by one, we all take turns gifting it to each other. In addition, my daughter gets RSV / bronchiolitis every time she gets sick. So I'm not looking forward to whatever Covid-19 can bring with it.

On Wednesday night, we heard that one of my husband's colleagues was diagnosed with pneumonia and was being tested for coronavirus. That was the first time that the virus felt so near and so close. Until then, it was a case of watch and wait, but suddenly, it struck me that it could already be here and I could have already been exposed to it. We all stayed home on Thursday, out of caution, and was relieved to learn later that the colleague tested negative.

Yesterday, my husband and his father went to do our weekly groceries and, while we found much of what we were looking for, we couldn't get eggs from any store. I'm a little annoyed by this - Costco always had way too many cartons of eggs and even they were out.

Last Week

After weeks of feeling pressed for time, it was a relief to have a week that was slower in comparison. It was still busy, mind you, but that is normal. I was able to read a bit and prep a few blog posts. I did spend too much time on the news overall though. This whole pandemic situation feels super surreal. It felt good to read that things are looking up in China and South Korea, but sadly for much of the rest of the world, it looks like we are still just passing through the peak of the pandemic or yet to get there. I realize that when many states close schools and colleges, they are simply applying what they have learnt from studying those countries that were impacted first.

But, enough coronavirus talk for now. I'm sure that's all you are seeing everywhere you go.


After a long hiatus, we've opened our box of board games and decided to play Pandemic this weekend. My husband is not a fan of collaborative games - in his opinion, games are to be battled out and won, but even he enjoyed Pandemic quite a bit. Since we don't need to do much commuting over the next few weeks, I'm hoping that means some additional time in hand to either play a few board games or read more or blog more.

All of us spent much of yesterday playing with playdough and setting out a table with a few delicious playdough meals for an imaginary group of 140 visitors who were about to visit us. It was so much fun being a kid with no worries.

Looking ahead

It's work from home this week and no school for the girl, so this is a whole new experience. I'm hoping to be able to call in to my work meetings without screaming kids in the background, but if that happens, shrug, can't help it. My daughter's preschool sent over tons of "homework" that is not mandatory to do but could used as needed. We already started with a couple of those, and so far, they have been winners.


I started reading two books this week - both of which are very engrossing. Are you there God? It's Me, Margaret by Judy Blume is a book that has come recommended from many folks. I've wanted to read it for a while - and finally this week, I requested it at the library. So far, I love it. I assume it to be still very relevant but it was a good throwback to my tween and early-teen years.

As for Amy Chua's Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, since I didn't have kids when it was originally released (and widely discussed), I gave it a pass - at the time, I certainly didn't want to enter the parenting arguments, but when I saw this available at my library catalog this week, I decided to sample it and find what in this book caused so many to either praise or condemn it. I think I can see the pull of this book and also how it's not really trying to make any friends. I'm not far enough in to have an opinion either way but maybe next week this time, I'll have something more concrete.

On the blog

If you're staying home for the most part over the next few weeks or if your lifestyle is suddenly changing, what do you have planned? What does your book or movie or TV stack look like? Any recommendations you would share?

Linking with The Sunday Salon at Readerbuzz and The Sunday Post at Caffeinated Reviewer.
