We are all getting a super late start today. It's already past 9am, and I'm just done with breakfast and sitting down at my desk with my coffee. Last night, we were at our downtown block party, enjoying ice cream, not enjoying the crowd, having some great time with some good friends, and ending it all with some good fireworks.
If you're in the US, hope you are having a good long weekend and Happy Independence Day!
Yesterday was also my birthday, and it was a pretty good one. We started the day with the best local waffles in town, and then had some cake (yes, there is such a thing as too much sugar). We had delicious birthday lunch and ended the day with fireworks. We also added two small plants to our collection - a mini-orchid (my first orchid so I'm hoping I won't kill it) and a banana tree from a neighbor. Since Friday was the holiday at my company (while the rest of the country is getting tomorrow off), I spent some time that afternoon browsing at the library and also bought a book (The Three Body Problem by Cixin Liu) at Barnes & Noble. The husband got me a bread maker (I've been thinking of this for a while) and we already used it yesterday to make some basic bread to test. It came out very well and now we can't wait to make some herbed bread. He also got me one case file to solve. Did you know they sold crime files complete with evidence and detective journal to help you crack the case? I've solved all but the last part which I hope to do today. So all in all, a very good weekend so far!
Last week, I had started The Death of Vivek Oji by Akwaeke Emezi and I am still reading it. This book is very good and also very sad. I usually shy away from books like these (grief is a huge underlying tone in the book as everyone reminisces and wishes they had seen the signs and prevented someone's death) but it's so beautifully written that I find it hard to put it down.
For next, I'll probably choose between one of these - Infinite Country by Patricia Engel (this one has been everywhere lately and I'm looking forward to it), I Owe You One by Sophie Kinsella (it's been years since I've read this author and I'm not sure her books are for me anymore), and Members Only by Sameer Pandya (very interesting premise and a focus on race from a different angle). Which would be your pick?
We are continuing through our Star Trek watch - it feels like I'll always be having one or the other show going on here. In addition, we also started watching Loki and I do love it so far. Other than that, we've been watching movies with the kids - Wish Dragon, Dog Gone Trouble, etc.
What are your plans for this weekend?
Linking with The Sunday Salon at Readerbuzz and The Sunday Post at Caffeinated Reviewer.