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Infinite Country by Patricia Engel | Thoughts

   Published : 2021   ||    Format : print   ||    Location : Colombia ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆   What was it about the country that kept everyone hostage to its fantasy? The previous month, on its own soil, an American man went to his job at a plant and gunned down fourteen coworkers, and last spring alone there were four different school shootings. A nation at war with itself, yet people still spoke of it as some kind of paradise.. Thoughts : Infinite Country follows two characters - young Talia, who at the beginning of this book, escapes a girl’s reform school in North Colombia so that she can make her previously booked flight to the US. Before she can do that, she needs to travel many miles to reach her father and get her ticket to the rest of her family. As we follow Talia’s treacherous journey south, we learn about how she ended up in the reform school in the first place and why half her family resides in the US. Infinite Country tells the...

Yet another Monday! (July 16, 2012)

It's Monday! What are you reading this week?

Sheila @ Book Journey wants to know what we're reading. I'm only too happy to oblige!

I haven't done this meme 2 months, so it's quite tempting to list all the books I read since then just so that it looks like I've been reading a lot. But I'll refrain from being naughty and stick with the past week or two. Maybe.

Right now, I'm going through four books, and I'm torn between which one out of two of those books to give the center stage in this post. So I'll spotlight both.

I'm so thrilled to finally be reading Oliver Sacks and Thrity Umrigar - authors I should have checked out long ago! Both books are amazing so far! I'm also reading Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser (finally!) at bedtime and Women Know Everything by Karen Weekes during my tea break.

Which pages were turned...
Over the last weeks, I finished a couple of books - both pretty good.
-  The Singer's Gun by Emily St. John Mandel: I have to say I am beginning to develop a girl crush for Mandel. I loved her debut book (Last Night in Montreal) and The Singer's Gun is just as amazing!
-  The Scrapbook of Frankie Pratt by Caroline Preston: This was a fun book to read - colorful pictures, story narrated in scrapbook form!

...And other news
-  Review: Make it Stay by Joan Frank
-  Review: The Hairdresser of Harare by Tendai Huchu
-  Review: Divergent by Veronica Roth
-  Review: The Virgin Cure by Ami McKay
-  Review: Unwind by Neal Shusterman
-  Should I read... The Great Gatsby?
-  Review: Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay (Book and movie review)
-  A Suitable Boy readalong

Happy reading!


Helen Murdoch said…
I am impressed you've got four books going at once. I am almost finished with When the Emperor was Divine
Stephanie said…
I have been very interested in both the Oliver Sacks book and The Space Between Us for quite some time. I am glad to hear you're enjoying them so much. :)
Pussreboots said…
You had a busy week of posting reviews. My favorite read last week was Sweet Revenge (audio) by Diane Mott Davidson. Please come see what else I'm reading.
Turning The Pages said…
I think both books lok
Lindsey Stefan said…
The Man Who Mistook...sounds fascinating and terrifying.I hope you enjoy it and your other books too! 
Mystica said…
You are in for a treat with Unrigar. You wouldnt want to put the book down! enjoy all the other books as well!!!
JoV said…
Both are great books I would love to read 
Thrity Umrigar. Heard so much about her. Look forward to read what you think about them. :)
bermudaonion (Kathy) said…
I love Umrigar and I'm very curious about The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat.  Have a great week in books!
sidne said…
love the book cover to 'the space between us'.
Vasilly said…
I still haven't read anything by Sacks or Umrigar! Both are two authors that you know you should read their books but never make time for. Happy reading!
Brunette librarian said…
I'm sorry but the Man Who Mistook his Wife for a hat made me smile :) Definitely a UNIQUE book title!! 

The Brunette Librarian Blog
Jennifer Waggoner Hartling said…
I adored The Scrapbook of Frankie Pratt! It was a fun visual treat and like nothing I'd read before.
zibilee said…
Umrigar is an amazing author, and I need to read this one and her newest one soon. I remember reading Bombay Time such a long time ago, and thinking that she was an author to take notice of. Since then, I have read 3 of her books, and am really excited  about owning the other two, and getting started with them. I also really like Oliver Sachs and will be curious to hear your opinion on this one, as I own it as well.
Athira / Aths said…
I'm surprised too that I have four going. And that I'm enjoying all four. It probably means that my reading is picking up, so I hope it stays that way.
Elisha German said…
Women Know Everything looks good;) So does The Virgin Cure:) Feel free to stop by and say hello!
Elisha German said…
New Follower btw
pburt said…
I love Emily St. John Mandel - I thought Last Night in Montreal was great and The Singer's Gun was totally different and yet just as good. I have to get my hands on her third book - The Lola Quartet 
Tea Time with Marce said…
Why did I think you had already read The Space Between Us, hmmm.  You did very good, I expected at least a month worth, lol.  Great to have you back lovely.
Bibliophilebythesea said…
I LOVED The Space Between Us (and everything else I've read by this author) she's really great.
Piyush Garyali said…
"The man who mistook his wife for a hat". Now, that sounds like a funny book :-)
I haven't read Sarah's Key, but I have watched the movie. Very good and emotional. I was crying the whole time and seriously, couldn't stop. Now with the movie The Great Gatsby coming out, I really want to read the book. But, yeah..I don't know. Going to read your post now and decide if I want to read it or not. :) 
John Williams said…
This article is really worth reading, it has too much details in it and yet it is so simple to understand, & yea Thanks for sharing the picture it made your post really good and it has great detail in it, i really appreciate your true artistic work!

GED Online
Young_1 said…
I am still waiting to read Divergent but that would mean i have to actually get a copy! I have started Gatsby and I have to say it is taking a while!