Published : 2021 || Format : print || Location : Colombia ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ What was it about the country that kept everyone hostage to its fantasy? The previous month, on its own soil, an American man went to his job at a plant and gunned down fourteen coworkers, and last spring alone there were four different school shootings. A nation at war with itself, yet people still spoke of it as some kind of paradise.. Thoughts : Infinite Country follows two characters - young Talia, who at the beginning of this book, escapes a girl’s reform school in North Colombia so that she can make her previously booked flight to the US. Before she can do that, she needs to travel many miles to reach her father and get her ticket to the rest of her family. As we follow Talia’s treacherous journey south, we learn about how she ended up in the reform school in the first place and why half her family resides in the US. Infinite Country tells the story of her family through the other protagonist, El
Hello, Armchair BEA! After armchairing at BEA for two years (the first two years since the inception of Armchair BEA), I took a two-year break, because, Armchair BEA can get really hectic, and I spent the last two years taking it slow in the blogging world, without being on my computer or phone all day long. Obviously, I've been missing all those buzz-filled days that the BEA brings with it, because I'm back again doing this. From the year I started blogging, I've wanted to go to BEA one of these years, and I still haven't done it yet. Interestingly, I don't feel as eager to go to BEA as I did four years ago because
- of a change in reading tastes?
- of a change in motivation for blogging/reading?
- I am generally less keen on new releases as I am on the backlist?
- I don't see that many books at BEA that excite me as much as I wish there were?
- Or, most probably, I'm more likely to pick a book if people are talking about it already than just seeing it on a list for the first time?
Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging? Where in the world are you blogging from?
Hello from Virginia! I'm Athira, programmer by day, reader/blogger by night. I've been blogging for four and a half years on this blog, far longer on my personal blog, which I have shut down since. I remember chancing into the book blog world a few days before Christmas of 2009. Countless hours of googling and browsing later, (and mind you, it was right at the end of a depressing semester), I knew what I wanted to do.
**Fun fact**: My blogiversary comes right at the beginning of the winter holidays that I always forget about it until the first blogger I follow mentions his/her blogiversary in the new year. Yep, I think I've celebrated my blogiversary only once so far!
What genre do you read the most?
I used to believe that I enjoyed literary fiction the best. But over the years, I've realized that's not entirely true. The books I end up loving the most are usually the genre-busters - books that step away from convention, books that are written using some novel techniques. Me Before You, Where'd You Do Bernadette, The Buddha in the Attic, Good Neighbors, The Dinner, The Elephant's Journey are some of them.
What does your favorite/ideal reading space look like?
I only got this set up early this year, after lamenting for a long time that I didn't have an ideal reading spot in our home. It actually wasn't planned much, but more thanks to couple of items coming together at that nook.
Spread the love by naming your favorite blogs/bloggers (doesn’t necessarily have to be book blogs/bloggers).
- Life hack/productivity blog: Lifehacker
- Dog blog: The BarkPost
- Food blog: The Kitchn
- Book Games: Sporcle
- And a shout-out to some of my favorite bloggers: (I wish I could just get Feedly to give me the names of all the bloggers I love, but off the top of my head, here are some of them. I know I have missed many others, though.) Helen, Kathy, Natasha, Ti, Jenny, Juju, and Sam.
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what 3 books would you bring? Why? What 3 non-book items would you bring? Why?
There are not many books I will reread. But there a tiny few that won't bore me to death.
- If I'm stranded on an island, I will need an uplifting read, and for that, I'll take the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the last book mainly because it is the one I have reread the least number of times, but also because, as the last book in the series, it is cheerful, determined, and conclusive.
- I'll also need something that will keep me motivated and courageous. Unbroken is the perfect book to remind me every day that there are people who have thrived through the worst the world had to offer.
- And finally, a book to remind me that the worst (zombies!) has not yet passed - The Walking Dead collection.
Like what you see here? Follow me or connect with me at Twitter, Google Plus, Goodreads, and Tumblr.
enjoy it...=)
Lisa @Just Another Rabid Reader
As for the BEA I still really want to go. Part of the reason is because i've never been to NYC. I also would love to meet other bloggers IRL. But for now, virtual meetings will have to do.
I adore your reading area. The chair is lovely and I love the natural backlight.
I feel you about not caring about BEA -- I lived in New York for three years and didn't go to BEA any of those years. I loved meeting bloggers, but just wasn't that interested in doing the actual convention.
I cannot do two conventions back to back either. Unless I get paid for it. That would be too crazy!
Thanks for the shout out, I love visiting your blog too :)
I don't jump at the newest titles either - often I'm well behind when it seems everyone else is talking but the must read book. thats ok for me, I like to give some time before I decide whether it really is one I'd enjoy.
Karen (Booker Talk)
Armchair BEA Cheerleader 2014
I'm in the same boat with you as to BEA... it would be cool to go, but I could live without it now.
Your reasons are exactly mine for not really caring about going to BEA. This is more fun anyway, right? ;) Many of your favorite blogs are also my favorite!
Have a great week with Armchair BEA!
Love your nook, well done, having it completed after moving. I do remember some of your favourite books. Enjoy the week.
You can still jump right in - no pressure. Would love to see your posts!