Published : 2021 || Format : print || Location : Colombia ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ What was it about the country that kept everyone hostage to its fantasy? The previous month, on its own soil, an American man went to his job at a plant and gunned down fourteen coworkers, and last spring alone there were four different school shootings. A nation at war with itself, yet people still spoke of it as some kind of paradise.. Thoughts : Infinite Country follows two characters - young Talia, who at the beginning of this book, escapes a girl’s reform school in North Colombia so that she can make her previously booked flight to the US. Before she can do that, she needs to travel many miles to reach her father and get her ticket to the rest of her family. As we follow Talia’s treacherous journey south, we learn about how she ended up in the reform school in the first place and why half her family resides in the US. Infinite Country tells the...
I wanted to type up this post and schedule it for Sunday, which is what I would usually do if I were going to be out of town during a weekend. But seeing as I haven't been too regular with my posting lately, I didn't think it mattered when I posted. The husband, his father, and I are heading north today to New Jersey to meet up with some friends and also because my father-in-law is flying back to India on Sunday. Remember my post from a few months back about how long it took to travel door-to-door between our home in India and here? Well, it's time for the return journey.
This week has been absolutely insane at work. I felt like my thoughts were all over the place and my patience thisthin. We had all kinds of issues, tempers, and people flare up and have pretty much been told to stop whatever we are doing and work on something more important. I never like it when this happens because so much seems to happen at the same time and every one feels as if they are walking around in a daze with their heads pounding, irritable moods surfacing up, and coffee cups being refilled continuously. I am just glad that it is the weekend finally. I would like nothing better than to sit at home, read, and knit, but of course, I'm in a car reading and knitting. Oh well. At least, I won't have to work from home so it's probably better than I am on the road. I was initially supposed to travel to Alabama this week to help a customer but that got canceled in the end, so I am relieved I don't have to plan for that as well.
Anyways, my knitting has finally transitioned from being a frenetic activity to something that gives me more time to pursue other interests. I am still undecided on which unread book to read but I have picked up the first Harry Potter book. I am quite eager to read Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake or The Blind Assassin, and if the next week can be less dramatic and less loaded compared to this week, I could possibly accomplish some good reading. There's nothing more frustrating than being faced with a busy week when you finally decide that you want to read a book. Ugh.
Anyways, I have a ton of reviews to post so I could afford doing some rereading while I'm at it. I started listening to The Emperor of all Maladies this week and am feeling underwhelmed by how technical it is. It is fascinating but not enough to stop my mind wandering which happened often this week, what with work being crazy. Still, I'll keep listening to it and hopefully, I'll know more about cancer by the time I am done with it. What is up in bloglandia?
This week has been absolutely insane at work. I felt like my thoughts were all over the place and my patience thisthin. We had all kinds of issues, tempers, and people flare up and have pretty much been told to stop whatever we are doing and work on something more important. I never like it when this happens because so much seems to happen at the same time and every one feels as if they are walking around in a daze with their heads pounding, irritable moods surfacing up, and coffee cups being refilled continuously. I am just glad that it is the weekend finally. I would like nothing better than to sit at home, read, and knit, but of course, I'm in a car reading and knitting. Oh well. At least, I won't have to work from home so it's probably better than I am on the road. I was initially supposed to travel to Alabama this week to help a customer but that got canceled in the end, so I am relieved I don't have to plan for that as well.
Anyways, my knitting has finally transitioned from being a frenetic activity to something that gives me more time to pursue other interests. I am still undecided on which unread book to read but I have picked up the first Harry Potter book. I am quite eager to read Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake or The Blind Assassin, and if the next week can be less dramatic and less loaded compared to this week, I could possibly accomplish some good reading. There's nothing more frustrating than being faced with a busy week when you finally decide that you want to read a book. Ugh.
Anyways, I have a ton of reviews to post so I could afford doing some rereading while I'm at it. I started listening to The Emperor of all Maladies this week and am feeling underwhelmed by how technical it is. It is fascinating but not enough to stop my mind wandering which happened often this week, what with work being crazy. Still, I'll keep listening to it and hopefully, I'll know more about cancer by the time I am done with it. What is up in bloglandia?

I am hoping this week will be better, but I'm not sure. My car wouldn't start this morning, which threw me off. I can't afford to miss work right now, not with my surgery date coming up so fast. So my husband got to take my car in (he's been so good about my lack of flexibility given I've always been the more flexible one) and I have his car. My poor daughter had to get up at the crack of dawn because that meant me taking her to school instead of her dad . . . Not a good start to the week.
I hope your week is much better!
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