Published : 2021 || Format : print || Location : Colombia ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ What was it about the country that kept everyone hostage to its fantasy? The previous month, on its own soil, an American man went to his job at a plant and gunned down fourteen coworkers, and last spring alone there were four different school shootings. A nation at war with itself, yet people still spoke of it as some kind of paradise.. Thoughts : Infinite Country follows two characters - young Talia, who at the beginning of this book, escapes a girl’s reform school in North Colombia so that she can make her previously booked flight to the US. Before she can do that, she needs to travel many miles to reach her father and get her ticket to the rest of her family. As we follow Talia’s treacherous journey south, we learn about how she ended up in the reform school in the first place and why half her family resides in the US. Infinite Country tells the...
I'm glad May is over, or almost over, once this day is out. It hasn't been my most prolific reading month, which is a bummer because this month could have been better. The books I did finish were both readalong books, and both were wonderful reads. I've noticed that I seem to read almost nothing every other month and then make up for it in the following month. If that trend keeps up, maybe June may work out to be better.
The week thus far...
Anyone else liking the heat outside? It's been in the 80s all week and I am sick of it. I feel like every summer and winter, I complain about the weather. It's worse when you're pregnant because your wardrobe is already severely limited, plus I hate that maternity clothes cost double compared to regular clothes and have no utility after the delivery.
Last evening, we had our possibly last gathering with some friends before the baby arrived. We went to play a game of putt putt - 36 holes and 2.5 hours later, we were starving, thirsty, and feeling very exhilarated. Pizza and pasta sounded just the perfect meal after a game in the sun, and later some delicious icecream and a game of Taboo perfectly rounded out the night. Couple of these friends were going to be on vacation next month, and another couple will be getting posted to a different state for Air Force training. So we wanted to do something fun before everyone went their different ways.
Last weekend, we watched TomorrowLand, which was a so-so movie - somewhat cute and great for young kids but pretty predictable and not so fun with adults. I did love that a girl was the main character in this book, plus that she was very interested in science - you don't see that much anymore. Still, at the end of the movie, I was teary for no real reason other than loving the theme of the movie, which is to dream more and not to settle down for less. It was the weirdest thing ever and I tried to clear up the dewy eyes before getting out of the dark theater. I think my hormones are all over the place, especially this past week, which has been physically a very tough week for me.
Speaking of which, my whole body has been hurting this week. Every time I stand, I have to hold still for a few minutes (not seconds), and make sure my legs have enough strength to take me wherever it is I want to go to. You would think that evolutionarily, human beings would have adapted well to carrying babies without having so much discomfort. I honestly feel for those people who have to work on their feet even on their last trimester. This is the only time I am glad my work doesn't require me to be mobile at all except to head to meetings.
Other than some work I brought home, we don't have any major plans for today. We may head to watch Mad Max: Fury Road. I have not watched any of the Mad Max movies and don't know what any of them is about. But after reading about how well women are portrayed in this movie, I have been hoping to watch it. Later tonight, we'll be watching the Game of Thrones Episode 8. Much as I hate admitting this, this season has been a bummer. If Sansa Stark can get her revenge, I will probably feel much better.
The week ahead...
We need to finally hit the Purchase button on many items in our baby's shopping list. We have gone the minimal route and only plan to buy items that we think is essential. Depending on when these items arrive, we need to start setting up the bedroom and the playroom.

Maxi dresses are great, I love them. Add a belt and a short fitted jacket and you should be able to wear them after baby.
I loved the Mad Max movie and like you, I haven't seen the other before this one. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, it's packed with action scenes. I'd say it's definitely worth seeing on the big screen.
I feel lukewarm towards Tomorrowland, it doesn't really appeal to me but I like what you said about the overall message you took away from watching it. I might give it a try but that's a big maybe.
Haven't seen Tomorrowland but it's getting lukewarm reviews. I don't Disney did a lot to market it either. It's like, they knew it was going to be ho hum.
The Teen saw Mad Max and said it was one of the best movies he's EVER seen. That's saying a lot.
I am not happy about the heat that has hit California. With this drought I feel like one of those characters in a dystopian novel about water wars. What shall my name be? Don't mind me, I am a little sleep deprived and I get chatty when that happens.
Enjoy Mad Max if you go! It was repeatedly described to me as "a sensory assault" so I've decided to wait until it comes out on DVD.
I've been wondering about Tomorrowland. I am not sure I will see it in the theater.
Going minimalist with the baby stuff is probably wise until you know exactly what you will need.
I hope you have a great week and that you aren't too uncomfortable. This is the part of pregnancy when you start wishing you were on the other side . . .
I love that the Mad Max movie was packed with action scenes from the beginning to the end. It was just perfect. If you do watch Tomorrowland, let me know what you think of it. I wouldn't go to the theater to watch it though.
Yes, Mad Max is awesome! I loved the movie - didn't think I would.
This summer is certainly much hotter than previous years. And I feel for you guys in California - haven't you been through a really long drought by now? It's terrible - everything we expected to happen with all the climate change dialogue going on and not a thing to do yet en masse because no one wants to admit that there is a problem.