Published : 2021 || Format : print || Location : Colombia ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ What was it about the country that kept everyone hostage to its fantasy? The previous month, on its own soil, an American man went to his job at a plant and gunned down fourteen coworkers, and last spring alone there were four different school shootings. A nation at war with itself, yet people still spoke of it as some kind of paradise.. Thoughts : Infinite Country follows two characters - young Talia, who at the beginning of this book, escapes a girl’s reform school in North Colombia so that she can make her previously booked flight to the US. Before she can do that, she needs to travel many miles to reach her father and get her ticket to the rest of her family. As we follow Talia’s treacherous journey south, we learn about how she ended up in the reform school in the first place and why half her family resides in the US. Infinite Country tells the...
Wow, I've been writing this post since this morning. So much for a yay, I'm blogging post. On the plus side, as someone commented on this blog a month ago, I am discovering a new normal around here. I can't say the current routine (or lack thereof) is making me super happy, since I am a creature of routine and predictability and babies scoff at routine and predictability. But, I'm finding comfort in being able to spend even a minute doing something I always took for granted, be it taking a shower or brushing my teeth (yes, this!), or even reading blogs or writing a blog post. The only thing I've been able to do without any trouble is read.
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Shreya at her naming ceremony |
Past few weeks, I've enjoyed holding this beautiful girl and watching how she expresses her needs and desires. She LOVES to feed (maybe all newborns do?) and she loves staring at points of bright light. Which means, she is usually up at dawn (and us with her) to welcome the sun. Those few early morning hours are when she's most active and I spend a good part of that time begging her to go to sleep. Of course, newborns don't understand begging.
I have been busier during the past two weeks than I was during the first couple of weeks. I've been reading less too, mainly because I haven't been as interested in reading. Still, I did finish two books (My Grandmother Asked Me To Tell You She's Sorry and My Man Jeeves) and am halfway through a third (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). I also managed to write two reviews, so maybe it's not all bad.
I return to work in two weeks. Although I'm ready for the routine, I know I'm going to miss my girl terribly. I keep praying for these last two weeks to go by slow but we know how that's going to happen. We started making short trips with the baby (to restaurants and stores) and so far they have been uneventful. I've been trying to squeeze in daily walks in the evenings but she has not been napping too well this past week, making for a cranky evening baby.
Last week, I started properly cataloging the books I own. I've always had some kind of a list at Goodreads and as an excel spreadsheet but both haven't been updated in months. It's a slow going project but hopefully will be the final up-to-date catalog for now. Part of what prompted it was a missing book scare - I still don't know if a book is missing, and if yes, which one it is but I decided it was time to keep a list somewhere.
What's happening at your end?
