Published : 2021 || Format : print || Location : Colombia ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ What was it about the country that kept everyone hostage to its fantasy? The previous month, on its own soil, an American man went to his job at a plant and gunned down fourteen coworkers, and last spring alone there were four different school shootings. A nation at war with itself, yet people still spoke of it as some kind of paradise.. Thoughts : Infinite Country follows two characters - young Talia, who at the beginning of this book, escapes a girl’s reform school in North Colombia so that she can make her previously booked flight to the US. Before she can do that, she needs to travel many miles to reach her father and get her ticket to the rest of her family. As we follow Talia’s treacherous journey south, we learn about how she ended up in the reform school in the first place and why half her family resides in the US. Infinite Country tells the story of her family through the other protagonist, El
Sheila @ One Persons Journey through a world of Books wants to know what we're reading. I'm only too happy to oblige!
Have we all in the US remembered to spring forward yesterday? Much as I like that spring is almost here (it's HOT here, but the brown is only slowly translating into green), I don't appreciate the one hour less sleep yesterday. Moreover, I always struggle to be up earlier for at least a week or two.
Books completed in the last week
Radio Shangri-La by Lisa Napoli: A nice look at Bhutan and its culture.
News from over my blog
Enter my giveaway of Radio Shangri-La by Lisa Napoli. I'm giving away 2 copies!
Leif Reads!
First post of March. This month, the focus is on Slow Death by Rubber Duck by Rick Smith and Bruce Lourie.
Reviews up!
I'm still reading through a couple of the books from last week. I didn't get much reading done really. I have a lot of catching up to do.
The Beauty of Humanity Movement by Camilla Gibb: I meant to finish this book by yesterday, but that didn't really happen. But I have a day or two's worth to get through, so I should be done soon.
Slow Death by Rubber Duck by Rick Smith and Bruce Lourie: I have the last bit of this book still left - I didn't have a chance to read this since Friday. Still I have the gist covered and it shouldn't take me long to finish it.
The Four Ms. Bradwells by Meg Waite Clayton: I'm not entirely sure that this book is for me, but I've heard plenty of good reviews, so I'm giving it a try!
Here's my list:
The four Ms Bradwells is catching my attention.
How HOT is it over there? Here it's cold! I cannot wait for the hot weather to arrive. :)